I have NEWS to share!!!!!!!A piece of my backyard was in a BRITISH MAGAZINE that looks to be a rather good read.I was lucky enough to know a GORGEOUS LADY who lives not far from BUCKINGHAM PALACE who was able to mail me a couple of copies!Not once but twice as the first parcel never did arrive!I’m certain most of you could have heard my squeal of delight as I open the mailbox!The stamp is enough to send me into orbit.It says something like ROYAL MAIL with a CROWN!
So, let me explain the table sits down where a creek runs during the winter months, but in Spring and Summer the Penny ~Royal grows profusely with a fragrance.The daisies grow taller each year with absolutely no care what so ever!This shot was taken by MARK LOHMAN.The photographer used by Fifi O’Neill for all her books!Rumor has it that she is publishing a new FRENCH MAGAZINE too!OOOHHH~~~LALA we will all love that!The premiere issue debuts next month.And to answer your question Loretta,”NO I”M NOT IN IT!
PS.Giampy and I made the open faced sandwiches for the shoot!Pretty…….Yes?
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