WE will be OPEN on Monday, Tuesday ,Wednesday,and FRIDAY.Our very last day is SATURDAY!The merchandise is dwindling………….the TADAH is definitely gone…………our desk is FOR SALE………..and just about everything else.Even the light fixtures you all wanted so bad years ago……………I have convinced the ITALIAN HUSBAND that a container isNOT needed but perhaps a storage unit is required!We shall see…………I will make the decision on TUESDAY!I like the sound of GOING, GOING, GONE…………better!
Both my SONS have returned home after 7 years and 5 years…………….I just learned that this is the BOOMERANG generation.So,I truly believe everything happens for a reason………..I need to be home now to cook and clean and Yell just a wee bit to keep some order!I have missed that MESS, so much and honestly my MESS right now at HOME is bigger then theirs!Do you know I have one SON that cooks dinner for us when I ask and another that offers to HELP his MOTHER move items……..and make deliveries.Maybe I did something right after all…………….this will be fun……………….RIGHT?
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