This month for the BY INVITATION ONLY SERIES,COTY FARQUHAR has come up with this months theme.If you do not know COTY I suggest you put this BLOG POST ON HOLD and jump to HER MAGAZINE!She is a STYLIST EXTORDINAIRE who lives in AUSTRALIA and writes an ON~LINE MAGAZINE.
FREE to subscribe and OH, what a TREAT to receive in your IN~ BOX.
COTY FARQUHAR……….. Founder & Editor in Chief
(She use to work for AUSTRALIA VOQUE!!!!)
Styling Magazine – Australia
SO, the question is what would I use to BARTER…………….
At first that question through me………….
However, it came to me QUICKLY.
We have chickens, which we have always shared their eggs…………
I have roses which I plan to get into the GARDEN this MONTH to PRUNE & FEED.
Then there are the VEGGIE BINS.
But the MOST VALUABLE TOOL I own is the ITALIAN HUSBAND who actually puts his skills TO WORK for all the neighbors.
We use to joke that our little cul~de~sac is like a VILLAGE.We have 17 homes sitting side by side.All owned by professionals of one form or another.Doctors,Lawyers,City Planners,Scientists,Teachers,Bankers,Puppet Designer,Computer Nerds,a Nurse…………you name it we have it.The one I did not mention is the CONCRETE MAN who is married to the WANT~ A~ BE CONTESSA…………my ITALIAN HUSBAND!Who can FIX or BUILD anything!
Saturday night we are eating dinner………neighbor calls (A DOC!)she has backed into her garage door and is unable to go in or out!CONCRETE MAN TO THE RESCUE…………
Yesterday,another doctor rings………..he is locked out of his GARAGE!Does the ITALIAN HUSBAND have “BREAKING IN SKILLS” he asks……..MY ANSWER, “OF COURSE HE CAN!”
How about digging a trench with a BACKHOE, so another neighbors house will not flood!
Or the time the BANKER needed help with rocks to line the creek that flows behind his house.
Electrical job………NO PROBLEM!He fixed my BEST BUDDIES doorbell when countless other FIX IT MEN couldNOT!
Plumbing too……………he owns a SNAKE so it gets borrowed on occasion.Of course, he goes with it and HELPS.
I could go on and on but back to me………….what would I use?The chickens and the GARDEN………..and perhaps my cooking abilities!
None of my possessions would be up for EXCHANGE.THAT is a GIVEN.NO way NO how am I giving up my TREASURED possessions.I DO HAVE A LOT OF POSSESSIONS!
My SONS………..NO they are not up for EXCHANGE either………….at least this MONTH!
SO,that leaves me with sharing EGGS & Veggies,sharing ROSES, and sharing COOKED MEALS.
Oh, did I mention we have a coffee machine that is KILLER?Nor, is it ever turned off.Just like being at that BAR in ITALY.Coffee, the machine and the MAN serving……….all 100% ITALIAN.Guess we could dazzle a few and they could “PRETEND” to be in ITALIA.If one was in desperate need of a mini vacation!I ALWAYS have ITALIAN OPERA BLASTING TOO!!!!!If one were to DREAM a bit one could imagine they were standing in a dilapidated FARM HOUSE in ITALY with accessories that belong to a CASTLE……………thats what you get when you visit me.
AN ITALIAN coffee could be an offer from this HOUSEHOLD……………
DO YOU THINK WE WILL SURVIVE if times change and we go back to the BARTER SYSTEM?
My guess would be at first it will be a little TRICKY but once the word is OUT the ITALIAN HUSBAND can HELP do ANYTHING we would be in FINE SHAPE!If it all depended upon me ……..well that might be a BIG PROBLEM.
Pop over to SPLENDEROSA CLICK HERE to see what the OTHER GALS HAVE TO BARTER!We may have to pretend and share OUR GOODS before it comes down to going back to our old ways.
Here are MY CHICKENS in the COOP.
MY GARDEN come SPRING……………….
MY GEESE ate the grass so the PENNY ROYAL has made a beautiful carpet in it’s place.
SALLY HOLMES ROSE BELOW……………….they remind me of POM~POM’S.
This sweet white rose the name escapes me at the moment but VERY fragrant!
Sorry, about the orange extension cord but I thought you would like to see the ROSES growing in the VINTAGE lantern.I know if I was more SAVOY I could take it OUT of the photo……….we MUST leave a few things to learn in this NEW YEAR!
The CRANBERRY Upside down cake………….from ELEANOR’s cookbook!HOW many of YOU BOUGHT her BOOKS???I have NEVER Made such a delicious meal as I did for THANKS~GIVING and CHRISTMAS EVE.Run to her BLOG now……….and if your NOT following HER YOU are MISSING OUT BIG TIME!If you recall she is AN AMERICAN married to a FRENCHIE living in PARIS in the FIRST writing about HER LIFE with ALS.She has opinions, and she cooks and she owns a PIECE of NAPOLEON!!!!!!!!!!
I MADE THIS…………care to make an EXCHANGE?I deliver!!!!!!
THANKS~GIVING MEAL………..thanks to ELEANOR’s BLOG HAVE SOME DECORUM.(Sharon, note my monogramed utensils I found in MONET’s village!!)
A PIE………….I made. Will YOU come dine with ME?I DO HOPE SO………………I await your call.
Remember to JUMP to WWW.SPLENDEROSA.COM to see what the other BLOG writer’s have to BARTER.
It could be a good way to spend a chilly, cold, wet afternoon!The list of OTHER bloggers will be at the VERY bottom of HER POST!
I hope you enjoy!
I’m off to PRUNE the roses………………….
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