That is the SUBJECT given to about 15 of us this month for the BY INVITATION ONLY SERIES that has re-convened after a SUMMER hiatus!The TOPIC is what are we afraid of…………
If you are NEW to my blog I was invited to join this group of BLOGGERS once a month to chat on a TOPIC picked by our head HONCHO……… MARSHA HERE.
Please go visit the other sites as you may find some GIFTED WRITERS In HER CIRCLE………unlike me who uses too many CAPS and a few too many EXCLAMATION marks!!!!Her group is an INTERNATIONAL MIX and definitely worth checking OUT.
I would like to ADD DAILY PLATE OF CRAZY is a personal favorite. SHE MAKES ONE THINK.Be sure to SUBSCRIBE!!! HERE
TO GO TO MARSHA’s SITE and visit the other LADIES who are participating GO HERE and scroll to the bottom of HER POST!Click on an ICON and ENJOY your next BLOG of the day with a hot CUPPA TEA or coffee.You would PLEASE ME SO IF YOU DID THIS.
That way WE can ALL find out what WE are AFRAID Of……………an interesting TOPIC.
Which took a bit of thinking on my side and I finally decided the answer to that question is DICONNECTING from the Internet,Facebook,Instagram, my Cell Phone and my little BLOG!
(Could ADD riding on the back of the ITALIAN Husbands MOTORCYCLES!)
It wasn’t that long ago I use to run for the house phone in anticipation.
Not anymore I just ignore it.Too many SOLICITATIONS,always people wanting money or worse your TIME.
Down time(before the internet) consisted of reading magazines,re-organizing,and chatting on the phone to a friend.
The magazines are stockpiled…….the house is a MESS……..the phone chats well those are few and far between!Does anyone still pick up the phone and call?
I have been TOYING with this idea for a long ,long time…………..DISCONNECTING.
Why you are wondering……… neck hurts from the way I lean into the computer screen,and I spend TOO Much time at it!I feel the rest of MY LIFE has been put on HOLD.I have piles of stuff that NEVER get my attention anymore ,BECAUSE I am GLUED To the flat screen called an APPLE.
Why I have not QUIT is EASY TO ANSWER! I have met SO many WONDERFUL people through these SOCIAL MEDIA GADGETS!If I quit I wouldNOT have those relationships anymore.If you can imagine a woman who knew my MOTHER from her days at ROGER’S GARDENS found me through my BLOG!
THAT WAS A TOTAL THRILL………and she collects HERMES SCARVES and she is from Northern California.Loved the fact SHE reached OUT and connected with me!
Then there is INSTAGRAM………..what a WAY TO START or END the day!Or in my case BOTH!!How many times a day do you check your feed on INSTAGRAM………..
I even made the ADVANCED STYLE instagram feed.By a PHOTO taken by JILL BARRETT @JLBARRETT418 in my backyard with SIR WINSTON sitting in his CIRCUS DOG position waiting for a LEMON!
I do not KNOW ARI SETH………..and yet he RE-GRAMED this photo to his FEED!BEcause I was wearing HIS design with the lovely FANNY KARSAT collaboration ; the t~shirt’s with the LOGO OLD IS THE NEW BLACK.
Even the ITALIAN HUSBAND got a BIG SMILE on his face when I showed HIM.The ITALIAN HUSBAND wanted to know as the night wore on and I passed 2000 LIKES if it would hit 3,000.My response was a definite NO!
It has now been 24 weeks since he posted me and my dog in HIS T~SHIRT and WE are at 2,977 LIKES.May I ask if YOU are on INSTAGRAM will you do me a favor and head over to ADVANCED STYLE and scroll back and HIT that HEART icon with GUSTO.I bet at least 23 of YOU are on INSTAGRAM and YOU could send me SOARING over 3,000.
Plus, if you are over 50 and are on INSTAGRAM YOU NEED TO FOLLOW HIM!IT REALLY IS A HOOT!!!!
Other reasons that I do not want to pull away…………
Recipes from down UNDER………..from a REAL CHEF NO LESS.
Vintage GIRLS stocking their SHOPS.
WOMEN of SUBSTANCE all over the WORLD.
Because ONE becomes a bit of a ZOMBIE or at least I DO!
Obsessed would be another word to describe the WORLD of the INTERNET!
The joy of receiving an email from another SOUL MATE that SPARKS your interest like snail mail is always out there HOUNDING you to peek.INSTANT GRATIFICATION you might call it.We can have our CAKE and READ IT TOO so to say………….
However, in doing this you lose LOTS of TIME………or at least I do.I ALWAYS want to COMMENT to let the person know I am out HERE READING and ENJOY what they have to say!TO comment can be FAST or it can be TRICKY.Signing IN…….adding your name, email and website takes time…………the sites that KNOW YOU already it’s a breeze………but yet it demands a bit of your time.I can easily spend THREE HOURS reading and RESPONDING!Then I call it QUITS and get on with MY DAY!
I have accomplished ZERO nothing………….in the AM and now it’s time to head out for exercise and errands………… the time I get back I’m HUNGRY, TIRED and have animals that NEED ME!
The house SUFFERS…………the GARDEN well with this drought I fear I GAVE UP this year!It pains me to go into the GARDEN and see the burnt leaves and the NEED for WATER…………….I tend to turn around and head INSIDE back to my little OFFICE that use to be the kitchen of this 1940’s RANCH house and READ MY E-Mails.
MY OFFICE ABOVE…….wouldn’t YOU like to HANG OUT Behind these DOORS?
It makes me SMILE.
But still I want to WALK AWAY FROM ALL OF IT!
I feel stressed if I haven’t RESPONDED TO personal emails………..
What scares me the MOST is if I did walk away from it ALL……….I would MOST Likely NOT be able to CATCH UP AGAIN!The technology is all moving so fast.I can barely stay AFLOAT NOW.
But that might be OKAY for the STAGE of LIFE I am in RIGHT now.
Have you thought about cutting back……..walking away…….DISCONNECTING?
Let’s CHAT about it in the comment section.
I would like to hear what YOU have to say.
I can sense we are a society that will not be communicating with others without a device in our hot little hands……….SO, if I DO disconnect no ONE will say HELLO and or PHONE.
PS.MY grand dog GOOSE made the CAPE COD newspaper on NATIONAL DOG DAY!In my SON’s FOOD TRUCK………a lovely customer handed this to him which was all unbeknownst to him!OF COURSE , I TELL HIM WE NEED TO FRAME THIS!!!!!
Can you make OUT the doggie IN THE WINDOW………….?
Just a TAD bit PROUD I AM!
IF I had DISCONNECTED I would have had to wait until the end of SEPTEMBER to see this in person.Or maybe NOT seen it at ALL……………YOU KNOW BOYS.
SO, for me DISCONNECTING for a good length of time is something that scares me because at MY AGE I will not be able to figure OUT or stay UP TO SPEED with the rest of the walking ZOMBIES that have their heads looking down creating a HUMP In their necks checking their phones.
DO I dare take a break………….?
What are your thoughts………….?
Chime in PLEASE.
Leave your reply.