Thank you for sharing all those great pictures of yourself through your lifetime. How very tall and elegant you were…of course you should have been a model! I always wanted to be, but was only five feet tall …… not much need for shortie models!
It is interesting to look back over a lifetime and see all the things that one has (or hasn’t) accomplished).
thanks for sharing another snippet of your life.
Faded Velvet
Stunningly beautiful….. You have done the unthinkable with what you have to work with here in Orinda… You were born in the wrong country or the wrong Era… But pure amazement that you re-created what you wanted in the eastbay in 2015…. Don’t know anyone that could do it like you have.. a whole new level????
How wonderful to see photos of you when you were young and hearing about all that you dreamed about. Some gorgeous model-like pictures of you my darling!
I think how we may find what we should be doing in our lives today is to go back to our childhoods and see what we loved doing and what we dreamt about. What and how you played when you were young is supposedly what will make you most happy as an adult.
I know that you will find what your next chapter will be, you have had no problem in the past. Sometimes we need chapters in our lives where we are doing nothing – time to reflect, time to recharge, time to rest before our next chapter. You just haven’t reached that day when you will know, and I have faith in you Elizabeth that you will make something fabulous happen.
THANK YOU CHERIE…………..I have just seen this now and you put a big smile on my face!I was ALWAYS building BARNS when I was young!I wrote a MAGAZINE called PET MAGAZINE and sold it to my mother’s friends for 25 cents.It was a monthly publication.SO, I would say animals are in my future!
MANY thanks for this…………XO
I enjoyed the post. Have you considered looking for a part time job at an antique store or having a booth in an antique store? Volunteering—-maybe an Crocker Art Museum? Learning an instrument?
Dear Contessa,
I loved this post. First, it made me feel grateful. Not all of my dreams have come true (yet), but some have–at least in part–and this post reminded me of that. Second, you are an inspiration with your enthusiasm, your style, and your joie de vivre. I agree that you should consider something along the lines of stylist or party planner/consultant for small, truly special events–dinner parties, baby showers, and so on, where your gifts of hospitality and great taste would really bless the host and guests. Lastly, those fashion pics–stunning!! Oh and do keep blogging!
I loved reading this post, what an amazing life and I truly cannot believe you were not a model, oh such stunning photos – wow I am in awe. Don’t change a thing, except maybe take a tour of Europe and pop in for a visit! x
I went to LA JOLLA COUNTRY DAY school…………….my last year of high school!
Sounds like you got your wishes in a round about way!Love your vision of kitchen and piano!
Also, love the vision of YOU creating the land!BRAVA………..I helped do that too here in our home.
No TV show for me………..But I adore YOU to have thought of that!
Childhood dreams never match reality because reality changes. Who would have thought we would have microwave ovens, the Internet, tiny computers and blogs! Who would have thought that language would devolve into emoticons and 3 letter words like OMG! And, we expected to be living on the moon by now. So much for predicting the future.
However, as a child I wanted to have a large family (4 to 5 children) AND paradoxically, live on a mountain overlooking the sea with just a galley kitchen and a grand piano. Sort of got that – I have one biological child and 4 terrific step children AND live on top of a mountain with grand piano sans view of the sea.
I also wanted to be a concert pianist AND research doctor working at the Scripps Institute in La Jolla. Thrown in there was the wish to be an actress. Sort of got that, too. I play piano at Church and worked as a Medical Sales Rep working with research doctors at Scripps. Believe me being in sales uses my actress skills when I have to make presentations to large groups.
On the home front, I just like to make things beautiful. We bought a 7 acre plot of land covered in weeds and scrub oak with 2 acres bull dozed flat to build our house. We used some heavy equipment but mostly a wheelbarrow (me), recontoured the land to create a very naturalistic landscape. We have planted at least 30 oaks, 20 alders and other trees plus zillions of smaller plants. It is really funny to hear visitors to our home say how lucky we were to find property with so many oak trees!
Perhaps Contessa should have a TV show where, like Anthony Bourdain and Rick Steele, she travels to bring to us vignettes of all the interesting people and places she has visited via her blog. She sure has the connections, personality and energy!
Smiles from Charlotte Des Fleurs
I think the little dancing girl foretold the life of a woman who never stopped dancing….Because you truly do dance though, and with, life Elizabeth. You relish every single step.
What does the dancer do next? I haven’t the faintest idea, but I do know the best ideas come when we stop looking for them and just let them happen. Bit like dancing really….
Contessa, we get to an age where we think that we need to do more, have a few roads to travel but which one to take? Sometimes looking back on the well travelled works wonders. You have had and still have a much lived life, continue with that which inspires you, sell more items, meet new people, garden, cook, love your family. That is rewarding and challenging enough. xxx
Oh my gosh I love this post!! I totally remember those fashion shots. I think we bought our jumpsuits together, mine was a butterscotch color. I seem to remember wearing them in Palm Springs with you at your aunt’s house. I do not remember the designer, but New Hero sounds right. I remember those Charles Jourdon shoes as well. You are so talented and creative you could do whatever strikes your fancy!! How about “a day in the life” kind of reality tv show! You are an amazing human being, and I am so glad I have had the privilege of playing together for several years of our lives. Big giant hug,
Loved this piece!
I think your warm, colorful and positive vibe writing is in fact your calling!
Love all the pix Contessa. Miss those days I could stop by the Hen House and have a devine conversation with you. I am lucky enough to have one of your chandelier lamps and so I feel like I have a little bit of the Contessa at home.
A wished-hard thing takes a shape within the heart.
Dante Baptiste-Nightkind
Dear Contessa,
It’s okay not to be doing something DRAMATIC and EXCITING for a period of time. But I realize for your personality….it is hard to maneuver thru. Seems to me that there are many school children in the Oakland schools that would truly ENJOY such a colorful and dynamic person in their lives a day or two a week. I did this myself for a period of time…..Emerson Elementary in Oakland and it was soul satisfying and wonderful! Then I started to have grandchildren….and my priority shifted to helping my daughter and daughter in law. I would say you are in this WINDOW…at the moment. The window between after the children move out, the shop closes, the husband is still working and there are no grandchildren to babysit yet….it is a small window of time! Glad you are embracing it and trying to find your way. I might have to drive by one day and see your garden!
Tally Ho,
Lady Di
Contessa. You have lived an amazing life! One some of us only dream of!
You do inspire me to ask the question to myself ,I failed! Lol life happened to me I didn’t choose!
But I love my life,may have done things a little different but would not change it.
I still aspire a long stay living in France.
Ok wait back to you… 🙂
Have you thought of writing a book? Your life turned into a novel( so you could add some dreams not accomplished)?!
You have such talent as a decorator, perhaps a stylist for magazine shoots?
Also you could do photography and post her on blog!
What to do now?
Pace of life seems slower, too slow?
Honor the pace given to you in this chapter. What is it telling you?
If it’s bigger than you are, just listen. Attend.
Garden & Be Well, XO T
What a lovely and well-considered answer. That spoke to my heart! Everyone knows how much I adore La Contessa…..and she is a decade younger than I am! I think now (these decades…..55 on) are times to do things more slowly; (not frenetically); and select the most important things you love to do!!!
I just barely got your post through my email notification, and I AM HERE. I wish I could get here to be the first to comment on how every post you share is a joy. It’s as if your energy just electrifies the page with your wonder. How I’d love to chat with you again! I am not sure if during our chats we’ve ever compared our LIVES…..Like you, I danced, and I’ve “ticked” off a lot of my dreams and I can say, “Yes, I’ve done what I wanted to do.” Now, I have several dreams to wake up to, and one of them is to write well and become published. We must talk.
WELL NOW, you are STILL such a beauty, but look at you back “in the day!” I am a few years older than you, but I remember the 70s and the fashions and those SHOES you are sporting, I wanted some! You are gorgeous, quite the spirit, and stunning all around.
Let’s talk again soon? Anita
You need to WRITE A BOOK about your life. That’s your next chapter ! I can’t believe I’ve never seen those GORGEOUS photos of you looking like the model that you are.
You rock !
Carry on, as you do, with effortless style. The next thing will find you. Or maybe Kristopher will give you PIG and all will be settled.
Oh Contessa, your photos are divine. The black leotard and pink tutu bring back fond memories of my youth, although I was not up to snuff and didn’t make it anywhere near the Opera House or a traveling troupe. As to what you might turn your attention to now, that IS the $60m dollar question, isn’t it. What a conundrum for so many women of our age. Maybe it’s ok to just sit in the moment appreciative of the good things that have been and confident that we will find our way forward as we’ve done so many times since we first pulled up our little pink tutus and danced.
Elizabeth, Cannot tell you how much I love this post!! The pictures are so darling of you as a child, especially love the one with the white cat. I had a white cat as a child too. I really adore the modeling photos. If you weren’t a model you should have been! I didn’t know you did ballet also! I did too. Well, to me you have the ideal life! Beautiful family, home, marriage, pets and what a wonderful lifestyle. The way you live inspires me so much. Just keep on blogging more and maybe a book! How to live la Dolce Vita in California, the Contessa way! xxoo Kim
ps we will miss you Saturday; total out of control gorgeous fun Champagne bash~
Your heart knows, and takes you to the next place. Schopenhauer said that life is like a book, or a movie…when you’re in it, it’s a bit of a mess, and this and that. But when you look back, it’s all just perfect. That is your life…it’s all just perfect….I so love to see your personal photos….your life is so wonderfully lovely and I hope you just enjoy the pleasure of each day as you now do~~ XXOO A
Hello there Contessa,
It does seem like you live a charmed life, so one thing I think you would be good at is sharing your talent and styling for others parties , luncheons and dinners!I’m just taking a break right now but that’s one thing that really hit me, unless you wanted to take up decorating others homes, or designing gardens.
Provably everyone else will say the same!
Happy dreams come true to you!!
jody / fl / ky
WOW !! Loved your life story nearly complete Not sure what to recommend for your next phase BUT knowing you just a bit , it will be satisfying , fulfilling & enlightening do GO for it gal !! You are inspiring to be around , & touched me on my journey. Much love Ros
I think what you’re doing now makes you happy and it certainly makes us happy…..you absolutely glow dear girl!!!
The next chapter in your life will evolve just as naturally as the other chapters did.
Cheers Mate
xx Neat
My beautiful Contessa, what a fabulous post about a fabulous lady! Sounds to me you should keep on doing what you do. I am going to be 70 on Sunday and I will keep doing what I do and love until I no longer can. How about approaching one of your local newspapers and offer to write a lifestyle column?? I bet they would love it and YOU!! So happy to know you and love you. xoxoxoxo
70!!!On SUNDAY!!
I find that VERY hard to believe!HAPPY BIRTHDAY!I must find you some little something and mail via the snail mail!I do not think my local paper would want me but coming from YOU I take that as a BIG COMPLIMENT!I will figure it out…………maybe later then sooner but I will!!!
Hello Auntie Eeeee… I think you should have more pigs, boxers, and full-figured handsome cats like “Thermador”… and come visit your niece in New York!!! xoxoxoxoxox
I really, really, really love this post. Especially seeing all the photos of you as a child and when you were younger. You were always very striking. So glad for you that you lived so much of your dream. I always wished to dance when I was little but never got to take any lessons (it’s a long story). I also wanted to be an archaeologist because there’s so much history around here. I would dig around in my parents’ garden all the time – except the soil came by truck when they built the house, so there was nothing to find 🙂 I always had a strange feeling that I would marry a foreigner but had never really considered an American. Go figure 🙂
Oh my goodness, you know what a sentimental sap I am…so maybe you won’t be too surprised that this moved me to tears? You know, there are just so few people in the world (it seems to me) that appreciate fully all of the good fortune they have had like you do here. It is amazing and just another tick on the list of how you are inspiring…along with the modeling photos that I am absolutely crazy about!!!
I am proud to be your friend…I will keep saying it to both you and to Ellie…two beautiful women!
With much Love
Look at those great pictures of you! You have always been a star, that is for sure!
I don’t like to think that you are feeling bored right now, it must just be a passing phase, which will make you appreciate the next chapter all the more.
love to you
To live a passionate, giving, curiosity-filled, adventurous life… and yes… “you danced” and still do — this is a gift to yourself and all who know you.
What a post! Brava! (And you are one hot mama, I have to say – then and now!)
What a great post! I wanted to have a big family, marry an American, because I really wanted to live there, still do, and I wanted to be an archaeologist or a doctor. Got none of that, sadly! Well, I did live in New England for a while when I was 21 to 25, ,and we had family and a house in CA, so I have lived I the US.
But at 51, I think my goal is now to go on holiday to California once year, but I hate travelling and flying, so that’s my big hurdle. How wonderful that you got the life you wanted.
Love this post Elizabeth… you are fabulous and my answer to what you should do… Keep on doing what you are doing because it’s working… 🙂 xv
I love your LIFE !! You have created perfection for you and your family, to be able to remain true to yourself, live your dreams and be surrounded by love & animals is the best of everything.
I salute you, Elizabeth. You are every woman x10 !!
Ah yes you have made your dreams come true Elizabeth!!
I love seeing your pictorial of life and would love to find a gauzy jumpsuit like the one you are wearing! A brilliant and creative woman and I cannot wait to meet you!! After being fortunate enough to work in the fields I am passionate about, I can now share , pay it forward and meet great blog friends like YOU!!
Vicki, I am so fortunate to have worked in the fields that I am passionate about, Real Estate (gorgeous homes) and the Art Gallery world, both in management and marketing! Now to blog about my loves, and to share, pay it forward and to meet fabulous other blog friends like you! What could be better!?
The Arts by Karena
How fun to see the pictures of you through the years – our paths are ever-evolving, what counts is that we stop and smell the roses along the way, and my guess is that you have that down to an art! XOXO
Oh, Elizabeth….I love this post…you may not have been a model but the shots of you in your jumpsuit (can’t remember the designer, either) is straight out of the pages of Vogue!
You haven’t changed…a life well lived…you’re wonderful! xx
What a marvelous life you’ve lived!! I remember those shoes! Still have the blisters to show for them. I think you’re moving into an exciting time of life. What should you do? More of the same. Remain fabulous and inspiring. Xxoo
What a glorious model you are. If Ari Cohen were smart he would get you on board immediately! What should you do now? Something creative. Book about your life with some recipes included? How to become an “Auntie Mame?” How you live your life bursting out all over? Bottom line creativity is the way to your next chapter.
YOU are SO kind!Did you spy the colorful bracelets on me with my pink tutu?I can remember loving the feel of those and the noise they would make clanking together.I immediately thought of YOU Sandy and our love of Caputi!!!!
Thank YOU for your idea!!!
Food for thought!
i love this so, so much. can’t get over the photos of you as a little girl, and the model-esque shots!! are there any of you dancing?? a lifetime of beauty! xxxx
I couldn’t find the ones of me on stage and there are not TOO many……………also too far away to be seen.THANK YOU!I found the model-esque photos by chance and thought those would be fun to share!As you know only too well being my private photographer for the OLD IS THE NEW BLACK t-shirt that I use my own photos for my posts I do not “PULL” from the internet.
You are too cute……….”A lifetime of beauty!”XX
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