How do you like my new photos on my HEADER?
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Remember do not read this as an e-mail click on the Title of the POST in GREY above the google sign that takes you to the site.Click and let me know if you can find GUIDO my bad boy Dove who killed his sibling and his FATHER!As a means of time out I put him in with the chickens thinking he would find out what its like to be picked on by bigger and stronger birds.HA!My chickens have manners and have accepted him in their gilded coop and GUIDO is living the life!He has ended up in a better place.Lucky Dove.
Anyhow,I have NEWS to share I will be showing at the DANVILLE Antique & Art Faire this coming September 2, from 9am ~ 3pm.I understand there will be about 80 vendors to cruise and coo over.I hope to see some of you there.I have kept up the pace.The shop maybe closed but I have still pounded the pavement to find the best and uncommon wares for your viewing pleasure!I may even “PULL” from my own abode!All depends on how much I can fit into that truck of mine!Look for the beautiful FRENCH inspired tablecloths that I have had made to cover those COSTCO plastic tables as that will be ME!I hope to see you soon!I will be able to accept all credit cards on site at the show if nothing goes amiss!Wish me luck …please!
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