My Bed…………

My Lobby art……..

RALPHS………a place to dine. .

Art collected by that Ralphy……R. Lauren.

A window display!

Opera at its BEST on my street corner.

Magnificent urn in those gardens!

A street scene………..can you name that arch in the back?

STATUE & GOLD……….its everywhere in Paris.

I am quite proud of this shot!

My garden needs a re-do……”Oh, Giampy!!”

By this point I was sitting in a bicycle pedaled cart being wheeled to the Grand Palais.

The bridge is breaking from the weight of the locks!

A vision on the SEINE I was lucky enough to look down upon……..
I was able to steal away to the OLD COUNTRY for a few days just to feed my soul.LUCKY ME!I know I KNOW…………and I did just that!Here is a sneak at what I saw and how these images will stay with me for awhile………I met other BLOGGERS.I stayed in a charming BOUTIQUE hotel…………I shopped in Normandy and dined in a 17 Century Chateau……..I slept in some old stables.I hung around a woman who has dined with the QUEEN,I sneaked into Monet’s garden just to take a peek……..and I met some real important furry beasties who will have a Post all on their own.Then who did I sit next to on that flight home?You will NEVER guess so I will tell YOU.TOM HANKS high school history teacher!He still has is name card for his desk………..
There will be more to follow……..as its my Youngest SONS BIRTHDAY TODAY I must leave the computer and create a MAGICAL dinner table and wrap a few pressies and cook up something delicious all before I collapse for a nap………I know you understand.Please stay tuned for more of what FEEDS MY SOUL.
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