PAWS of the baby….3 months.

DUKE……going on nine years of age and the REGAL one.

THEODORE……..Loves everybody who will touch him!

Sir Winston…….the Nurse, the Guardian,the Worry Wart!

ADMIRAL BUTTERS the PUP…..”Will I ever be as big as my PAPA GOOSE!”


TOUCHING!Always touching……that is what Theodore does BEST!



Having a chat with me on my tummy!

Another pair that are inseparable.Goose & Nollie.

Theodore, fishing……..

NO!Drinking instead…….

Guess the water tastes FISHY!!Can you see that little red tongue?

Just days old…….

Winston doing CIRCUS DOG………he does this for FRUIT!He is crazy about it!

GOOSE,taking in the sights in the backyard……………..

Why can Theodore be on the table and I cannot?

I am BIGGER then you!The table is an old door I brought back from ITALY 20 years ago.The Italian Husband finally made it into a table!Took 19 years!!But he did it!I never gave up plus, we did not have the PIAZZA ROSA Patio until a couple of years ago!

Admiral Butters having a snack!

Time to nap now…….in his bean bag chair!

Growing big and strong.

Life is good here with all these dogs!

My BOW TIE adds a bit of elegance to my day!Thanks MARIS!

I am learning from the OLD and WISE one!THE DUKE.He is like my GRAND DADDY!

ALL for me……….stretch and grow as they say!

ADMIRAL BUTTERS loves to give kisses!

Kisses and PATS on the nose!

Grand Daddy has a bit of patience…….just a wee little bit!

Kissing is my absolute favorite!The French style.

“The chaise is full NOLLIE………..BOYS ONLY!”Says I……it belonged to my Grandmother Helen who I never met and yes,it resides in my kitchen!I have Dominque Browning to THANK for that idea!Remember her, she was the editor of House& Garden and wrote the most exquisite EDITOR LETTERS each month.

One day I will be head of the household…….already have head of the table down!
This is my menergiere……….well, some of them the rest belong to the ROYAL SONS.If you were to come to my house you would be greeted with barking affection from DUKE and WINSTON.Winston does most of the barking……….he is so excited to see YOU!Duke will give you his two front paws and look you in the eye………as if to say where have you been all my LIFE!
Theodore, spends most of his time outside.Especially if ADMIRAL BUTTERS is visiting.Theodore, being the CAT.
Those are my three furry creatures……….
Nollie is a Boxer. My son NICHOLAS drove miles for HER when she was a puppy…………….she is a love and actually SMILES!They call her smile “SNAGEL TOOTH”as she shows a tooth when she smiles!They can say “SNAGEL TOOTH” and she will SMILE!She was named after a friend of both my boys who passed away…………..his name was NOLAN.As my son Nicholas stated she reminded him of his friend………..quiet,calm and fun.I thought that was a lovely thing to do.
Goose the CABOOSE…………he is a puppy basically himself.He was rescued from a PET SHOP in COLORADO last summer.He is a LOVE.Another animal who loves to be in your lap and touching.I ADORE THIS FOUR-LEGGED BEAST!
ADMIRAL BUTTERS…………the product of Nollie & Goose.He was suppose to be the product of DUKE and NOLLIE but well………Duke is a bit SLOW now plus he had NEVER done it and well GOOSE beat him to the punch!The Admiral as I like to call him takes after his FATHER Goose inside and out.Those paws are BIG and he is a VERY sweet puppy plus he LISTENS TO ME!He was given to my FIRST BORN as a gift from his younger brother NICHOLAS………….so everyone has a dog if not two.
Nollie & Goose are my GRAND DOGS.
Admiral Butters is my GREAT GRAND DOG.And Yes, he was named after the character on SOUTHPARK.I have never seen that show,but have been told it fits.
I have Chickens too and one Rooster,Doves that keep multiplying and Goldfish in the fountain.They keep me busy and I cannot imagine LIFE without any of them.They bring so much JOY into our LIFE.I thought I would share them with YOU my FOLLOWERS and let you know I will be at the DANVILLE ANTIQUE FAIR on SEPTEMBER 1 st LABOR DAY.Look for the tall woman with a HAT on……………..and an apron that touches the tip top of HER toes.
Tell me do you have an animal that speaks to YOU?
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