Tell everyone where you begin when facing a blank, empty room?
And, as several of you are actual “real interior designers” tell us what you do when your client owns items which you ABSOLUTELY DESPISE?
I DONOT FOLLOW TRENDS……………at least I do not think I DO!
I adore looking at coffee table books or magazines, but I have to say I DO MY OWN THING!I buy what SPEAKS to ME and I buy too if I know it’s a GOOD price.Whether I need it or not!
Here are WAY TOO MANY photos of my home…………….as you can see I do not have your typical CALIFORNIA HOME.There is not one piece of POTTERY BARN in this house.Thrift shops, antique shops,farms,flea markets……………consignment shops have all added to the warmth of MY HOME.I buy not knowing where I will put an item sometimes.It has NEVER been a problem.If I LOVE it it will FIND a spot in my HOME.
My look has been labeled iTALIAN which is not quite right!You would NEVER see a home in ITALY that looks like this!I think my style came from living overseas and DREAMING of what could have been.You see I being the AMERICAN had NO DESIRE to leave ITALY and move back to CALIFORNIA.My ITALIAN HUSBAND made ME!But back to my STYLE………
Do I repeat a style she asks………….IN Essence you could say I repeat the IDEA of BRINGING THE OUTSIDE INSIDE.I adore concrete garden furniture in fact, I would LOVE to do a room with ALL concrete benches,tables and garden chairs.Mind you the foundation of the home MUST BE SOLID!Can you see those garden benches with velvet made to fit pillows with tassels on each end!That would be VERY much me in my perception of BEAUTY……..
I decorated our home with “FOUND OBJECTS”I love the THRILL of the HUNT or I should say I did when I had an ANTIQUE SHOP.
As far as starting from SCRATCH or a blank room I just did that with my SONS room………I slowly am adding items back into that space but only items I have had elsewhere.You see I have too much STUFF……………and not enough room to display it properly,but I have NOT reached that AGE where I am ready to LET IT ALL GO!
If I were to decorate a HOME and the PAYING client were to have a piece or TEN that I TOTALLY didNOT ADORE I would tell them.I would tell them WHY.Most likely it would go something like this………”and that table are we keeping that?WHY?There is NO STORY THERE………NO HISTORY………..NO SPILLED drink rings………..NO homework WORDS engraved through the paper on it.It SCREAMS NEW construction, poorly made,most likely made in CHINA and it has NO PATINA!If I were YOU I would eliminate it!We can do BETTER………….!!”
Here you GO…………….you will either say YUCK or you will sit up STRAIGHT in your chair…………………..
Welcome to MY HOME………..I live in a 1940’s CALIFORNIA RANCH HOUSE in NORTHERN CALIFORNIA.My front door is painted DISNEY YELLOW and I LOVE IT!
OPEN THE FRONT DOOR and you see this………..
Now, lets turn to our RIGHT…….be careful as there is a STEP DOWN!
I am shooting into a mirror to give you more of the VISUAL……so things are backwards.For example the letters above the INDIAN DOORS says……LA LIBRERIA.The Library or better explanation MY OFFICE and DUMPING GROUNDS!We willNOT be visiting that area TODAY!
The T.V. with an ITALIAN pastel above it from my HUSBANDS home in ITALY and above that an Old FACE from PLAYLAND in SAN FRANCISCO.Note the outdoor metal awning to “FRAME” the T.V.
I know this is a work in progress………..BOOKS and CROWNS and display cabinets it all needs some re~working!If I can pull myself away from the COMPUTER this weekend that would be an ideal project!
Iron balconies and OLD iron sconces from FLORENCE adorn the fireplace wall!
A carriage from a MERRY ~GO~ROUND!!One of my favorite pieces……………Can you make me out on the LEFT with PRINCESS MICHAEL of KENT!!She was an ABSOLUTE DELIGHT!I hear the PRESS areNOT very nice to HER………..I found her DELIGHTFUL and I loved reading HER BOOKS!She even sent me mail from KENSINGTON PALACE!I of course kept the envelope……………!!!
CROWNS BIG and SMALL……………you should have seen me in FRANCE when I found that BIG ONE!Had to have been a THEATER piece don’t YA think HEATHER?
Love these GIRANDOLES…………….scored two at an estate sale years ago!They survived the SAN FRANCISCO earthquake of 1989.ITALIAN……………SO I HAD TO HAVE THEM!Plus, my ITALIAN husband barely survived that same EARTHQUAKE!!He was ONE MINUTE AHEAD of the overpass collapse!
This cabinet I haven’t changed in YEARS……………love everything in here.The festivity crown I wore in my 40’s to one of my BIRTHDAY PARTIES I give MYSELF!The BALLERINA is the same GAL jumping on my HEADER…….a dear dear friend.The GUCCI Christmas card was sent to my husband’s family years ago…………in FLORENCE,ITALY.
The glittered pumpkins are a DONNA O’BRIEN CREATION………I wonder if she is back to her BLOG?Anyone know?THE RIBBONED CROWN GAL.
OH, this photo shows MY DUST!!I am NOT the BEST housekeeper……….The little silver menu holder came from HEARST CASTLE.Another FESTIVITY CROWN that I keep out year round!Love old little books and another petite FRENCH crown.
THAT DONNA of THE RIBBONED CROWN FAME made these!I bought them for my GODCHILDREN but as you can see HERE they sit!!!!!!!!!
More OUTSIDE STUFF……..makes its way INSIDE this ABODE!
This little wooden door has a GOOD story…………..it’s to long to tell now but if you ever visit me remind me to tell it to YOU!A Carla Coulson PARISIAN photo of ME inside the LOUVRE next to an URN in the FRENCH STATUE ROOM I would gladly house if they ever get TOO MUCH STUFF!My bric a brac can look better here too!I think I dusted and did not put it back properly!I KNOW THAT’S WHAT HAPPENED.
Shall we step down into the kitchen…………..TWO steps!Follow ME…………….through the looking glass!
FRENCH CONSOLE used as the BAR………..COW OIL PAINTING that I bought for $145.00!!!!!!!!!!Husbands bottles of liquor we seldom touch which has MORPHED to the FLOOR…….I know ELLIE I KNOW!Old Grape Gathering Bucket used in Tuscany to gather the wine grapes……..we use it for the old newspapers to start the fire now!I had a PASSION for these when WE lived in SAN DONATO IN COLLINA!I think I have FOUR NOW!OH, FIRENZE………………I need to GO BACK!
Turn RIGHT from the BAR and TRA…LA The KITCHEN the HEART of my HOME!OPPS, the GRANDDOG’S food bowl got in the shot!He likes to EAT on the CARPET!Old tin TEA BOXES hold the BREAD and the plastic bags for dog PATROL.Photo gallery on the side of the FRIDGE!
EATING AREA……………READING AREA and laundry dumping spot!
GLASSWARE………….I EVEN HAVE MORE!!!!PROUD to say I USE IT ALL……….TOO!View from my kitchen door to the backyard…………..as you can see it is WINTER here!Those tree’s will leaf out and I will have a sanctuary to play like VITA did at her home at SISSINGHURST.
SCREEN DOOR leads to PANTRY and then HUSBAND’s GARAGE !!!IAM NOT ALLOWED in HIS garage……….I wonder WHY!!!!
A small BIRDBATH that is TOO pretty to put OUTSIDE!It sits on the STEP to my OFFICE.
Gorgeous old frame I used on the ceiling!That’s me in the background about age 12.I can remember my MOTHER being PISSED about this portrait………she did not like it!Look I was wearing a headband………still AM!
OLD FRENCH BISHOP’s coat……………….adorns a mannequin in my office!
Lamp shade adds a finished LOOK.Old Men’s collars around the neck closed with rhinestone pins………I used these one year for a table setting.With name tags.Remember I have a family of ALL MALES!!!!!!!!
MY PRIZED Possession………an old ORCHIO from ITALY!Come to find out I met the woman who lived in this VILLA!She was an AMERICAN and lived down the street from me in SAN DONATO……….in a BEAUTIFUL farmhouse on the grounds of VILLA CHIOCCIOLA.Which means HOUSE of the SNAIL!!!
Lets trek down the hall…………..
This mirror had a STORY which I cannot recall now……….. I do believe it Belonged to a PRESIDENT of a country in the Middle East!
The SIENNA restroom……….you will be joined by SAINT FRANCIS of ASSISI when you ENTER!He has DRESSED for your ARRIVAL!We like the POMP & CIRCUMSTANCE!An outside Candelabra hold hats IN the BATHROOM…..where else!
My Bedroom…………..NO Vacancy with two of us and two dogs and one DIVINE CAT!
My shoes live in an old RABBIT CAGE………………I think WE should STOP here………I hope I have NOT wasted YOUR time this morning.It is always GREAT fun to write for MARSHA’s BLOG Postings.I hope You will JUMP over and read what the OTHER women have written about TODAY!
To do that Go Here……………http://www.splenderosa.blogspot.com/
I think MY NEW site will be up soon so I hope I do not lose my SUBSCRIBERS when WE change over………….but If we do YOU can GOOGLE me at this name………..
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