First lets clear the air here……….in my last post I asked how old this GAL looks!
I got everything from 40 to 74!
I guess I should have phrased that another way!
SHE IS 64.
This is my DEAR DEAR FRIEND from HIGH SCHOOL.Her name is LISA!
For me she still looks the same age as when we went to High School.
Her parents owned a famous restaurant in San Francisco that I have fond memories visiting the basement with her to eat strawberries out of the walk-in refrigerator!The San Francisco food establishment was known for their BREAKFAST.If I have any San Franciscans OUT THERE YOU MAYBE ABLE TO TELL ME the name, especially if I tell you it was and still is on POWELL STREET!
Below is LISA’s skin routine as follows:
MORNINGS, rinse face with water only.
Apply day cream and or serum (whatever is on sale) then apply sunscreen.
I always wear sunscreen everyday- Andalou cc cream sunscreen SPF30
Makeup currently using OGEE hydraorganic face sticks, copper, rose quartz, opal.
Also occasionally Jones Road Miracle Balm, pinched cheeks.
Mascara, L’Oreal Voluminous waterproof.
Brows, Maybelline Tattoo Studio 350Blonde.
EVENINGS, cleanse with cream facial cleanser, whatever is on sale.
Apply serum, moisturizer, eye cream. Whatever is on sale at natural food store!
Once every couple of weeks instead of creams I apply Retin-A 0.05% (a friend gets it for me when she travels to Mexico). It is much, much less expensive from Mexico.
After Retin-A drys the dermatologist has me apply Amlactin moisturizer(helps exfoliating), this just comes from grocery, or drug store.
THANK YOU LISA for sharing your routine with us.You will ALWAYS look YOUNG TO ME!

Happy to say I got this ZIO PATCH off after two weeks time.It was itchy at first and very red there where it is pulling my skin but I SURVIVED IT!I was able to PUSH the ZIO BUTTON six times in two weeks.Now, I wait for the analysis.
I have worn this before and many HEART MONITORS in THE PAST.
PAIN IN THE BUTT they are but if they help with YOUR CONDITION totally worth it!

The retired hubby came down with INFLUENZA A.
Last SUNDAY…………..
He put himself in quarantine in the other bedroom as it is highly contagious!
Betty the doggy never left his bedside and TIGRE spent most of the day on the bed with him!
He isNOT one to stay in bed and about 2:00 came out saying he was going to go to COSTCO for A,B and C!TO my HORROR I said,” NO”.Thank goodness our neighbor Dr.MICHAEL called and came down and gave the diagnosis!Which he did LISTEN TO HIM!
I came down with the INFLUENZA A FLU as well the day after and had to miss my appointment with the CARDIOLOGIST.

Tigre has taken over Betty’s loveseat.Which Betty is very patient about but then jumps on if there is an inkling of space.The poses that came from this were hysterical.I just happened to have a front row seat to THE SHOW!

Tigre has no problem sharing the space!He LOVES TO BE IN COMPANY!

Note the PAWS on TIGRE!


And that’s enough PHOTOS of TIGRE for the next few months!

I have another GIRLFRIEND DIVINE who has a DUCATI 821 Monster to part ways with.
It is a 2015.
She is asking $6500.00 for EVERYTHING.
She lives in the CARMEL area of CALIFORNIA.Please if you know anyone who maybe interested pass along or write her at email: shannon@skinteriors.com
Her name is Shannon!

So, January swished by.I was bit sick myself and tried calling the ADVISE NURSE to no avail.
I called twice two different days and got no where.
I was worried about PNEUMONIA so wrote Lung Doctor an email asking for an XRAY which he gave me.None of that stuff just the scarring that was there before from the NON-TUBERCULOUS MYCOBACTERIA.
Bottom line I was and still am miserable.
Good news is I go this week to see the new CARDIOLOGIST!They have been playing with my meds which between you and me I do not think are doing ANYTHING!They also want me to drink MORE than 3 liters of water now.There is NO WAY I CAN DRINK MORE.After 2.5 liters, which I can do it starts coming out the other end without giving me any signals to head to the restroom………………..
This I cannot DO.
In her email tonight the Cardiologist said,”We may NEED TO MOVE FORWARD WITH LVAD OR TRANSPLANT EVALUATION.”
MY whole body just SUNK!
LVAD means LEFT VENTRICULAR ASSIST DEVICE.This is an OPEN HEART SURGERY where they put a machine under your skin and you wear a battery pack or TWO OF them in a bag or on your belt!
Here I have lighten my purse load over the years not to be too heavy.

VALENTINES DAY remains a blur as I ended up in EMERGENCY for fluids which was an experience.
I think from start to finish it was six hours in total.
I’ll spare you the details but I kept thinking this is a CIRCUS!
The hospital TEAM was incredible as far as MOVING ASS and getting things done.
Meanwhile, a WOMAN holding a toddler comes running in SCREAMING” HELP HELP SHE IS NOT RESPONDING”.The child did wake up and smile for me!Another young man had chest pains and a homeless man kept moving his sleeping bag around and managed to get a meal in the hallway.He kept his napkin inside his hat which he would wipe his mouth from time to time and put it back in the hat and continue eating.A woman on a bed in the hallway kept singing her lungs out and the room where they kept us with our drip lines was uneventful.
Meanwhile a mouse chewed the washing machine hot water line which steamed up all the windows in my home and that had to be repaired and the rain has been non-stop.
Talk about NON-STOP that IDIOT on the East Coast who has upset the WORLD in a matter of days and his side kick.You know the one in a t-shirt and baseball cap with a 4 year old toddler at a press conference inside the OVAL structure.Who stopped USAID food and medical payments to the poorest people in the world.THOSE TWO WEALTHY MEN WHO DON’T GIVE A HOG’s ASS ABOUT HUMANITY OR KINDNESS.They do not seem to ever smile but they sure have NETANYAHU and PUTIN GRINNING BIG TIME NOW!
I FEAR we are all in danger of losing so so much.
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