DO you know I have been married 29 years this month!
Do you know I was married in Italy?
If you read my POSTS you probably already know these things about me but I do not think you know about my wedding shoes!They were made by the Gucci Factory just for me!There are no other shoes out there in GUCCI LAND currently or VINTAGE like mine.I needed a flat shoe………………never mind I had to walk a few marble stairs to get to the altar……… we were married in a 14 century MONKS CHOIR.
IT all started with my husbands Father who worked for the Gucci Family.My husband left the Italian NAVAL ACADEMY and went to work for them as well in the factory in SCANDICCI.
My husband grew up with Aldo Gucci’s grandsons…….they rode dirt bikes together and at one time almost went into business back in the day.I had The REAL DEAL at my wedding!GUCCI FAMILY……… it sounds like I am bragging.NOT bragging just telling a story……..REALLY.
I was DELIGHTED with my WEDDING SHOES!They carried me where I needed to GO………….up to SAN MINIATO AL MONTE and down the winding road to VILLA CORA.It was all pretty FAIRYTALE LIKE……………..if I do say so myself.Then there was the honeymoon………sailing the Mediterranean SEA in a sailboat for two weeks.
“San Miniato al Monte is a basilica in Florence, central Italy, standing atop one of the highest points in the city. It has been described as one of the finest Romanesque structures in Tuscany and one of the most scenic churches in Italy.Above the crypt, the elevated presbytery is enclosed by a marble column fence and contains an impressive 14th century wood chorus.”This is where we said our vows…………………
Then there are the shoes……….but FIRST this is the altar where we were married under.Pretty special if I do say so myself……….can you spy the cross?Do you see the light blazing inside the church,the red specks……..that is because the marble is cut so thin.It allowed the light to enter…………pretty impressive for 14th century.No power tools!!
A look at the ONE OF A KIND SHOES!
When I was married it was TRADITION to drop a penny in your RIGHT shoe with the year of your BIRTH.DO they still do that?I remember I had a few people looking for that penny!Cannot recall who found it but am VERY THANKFUL.
The shoes, the veil the wedding invitation and a special note from the MAN AT THE FACTORY who over saw the making of the slippers all rest behind a lucite box now in my wardrobe…………not a day goes by without me glancing at it.

Can you see the shoes….

They were worn just once…….then boxed in lucite.I think I get more enjoyment out of looking at them daily.The reason for this Post……… let the SONS know what will be left behind!!
The estate liquidation will either be a NIGHTMARE or a TREASURE TROVE for the one who gets to clear it all out.My goal is to have important items photographed in an album with a bit of the history behind.So, the Boys have an idea of what they are dealing with…………..
Just so it’s NOT an overload when that day comes I have started to email them a photo from time to time with THE STORY so it will not be an UNKNOWN treasure when the time comes.
Fingers crossed it works!
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